- 入院当日 The hospitalization day
- 手術当日 The operation day
- 手術後 After an operation
Finished acceptance by appointed time on the hospitalization day and went to the nurse center of the ward.
Finished acceptance by appointed time on the hospitalization day and went to the nurse center of the ward.
- 病院で常連という言葉はふさわしくないと思うけど、この病院には過去に私も息子も2回入院しているので段取りは熟知していますが、時代の流れとともに進化していると思い知らないふりをしていました。 Though I thought that the word regular customer was not good at a hospital, planning it knew it well because it was past in this hospital, and both I and the son were hospitalized twice, but pretended not to realize it when I evolved with the flow in the times.
It is informed a sickroom and changes my clothes for arrival at hospitalization.
It is informed a sickroom and changes my clothes for arrival at hospitalization.
- しばらくして回診の先生達が来て問診を受ける Teachers of rounds come and receive an interview in a few minutes.
- 体調に問題がなければ入院決定します。私の場合は緊急性がない手術なので延期になりました。→体調不良 I am hospitalized without a problem in physical condition and am decided. Because it was an operation without emergency, in the case of me, it was postponed. Poor → physical condition.
- 夕食と朝食はぬきです。 There are no dinner and breakfast.
- 手術まで待機なので自由な時間をすごしましょう。Because it is a wait, let's spend free time until an operation.
The getting up is 6:00
The getting up is 6:00
- 起床6時です。歯を磨いたり、トイレに行ったり、テレビを見たりして手術時間まで待ちます。 It is getting up 6:00. I brush my teeth and go to the restroom and I watch TV and wait until an operative time.
I move to the operating room.
I move to the operating room.
- 前回は歩けなかったので病室からベッドでの移動でしたが、今回は歩けるので自力で移動しました。 It was the movement in the bed, but moved by oneself last time from a sickroom because I was not able to walk because I could walk this time.
- 普段、見られないところを見れるのと、手術にたいする怖さでテンション高めです。 A feeling gets excited with the fear for the operation with what can look at the place not to be usually seen.
- 手術台に上がって麻酔が始まります。緊張をほぐす為に看護師さん達が話しかけてくれました。 I get nervous on an operating table, and anesthesia begins. Nurses talked to ease strain.
- 全身麻酔でした。前回は点滴から薬が入り眠ってしまいました。今回は点滴をやりながら背中に管を入れました。術後に痛くならないようにする麻酔でした。 It was general anesthesia. Medicine was contained from intravenous feeding and has slept last time. I put a pipe in a back while being put on a drip this time. It was anesthesia to prevent you from coming to have a pain in it after art.
- 目が覚めたら終了です。あっという間に終わってます。It is the end if I wake up. It is over in no time.
I come back to the sickroom.
- 病室に戻る途中にレントゲンを撮ってからもどりました。ベッドに寝ながらだから痛くなくて楽でした。 I came back after I took X-rays for the middle to come back to the sickroom. Therefore I did not have a pain in it and was comfortable while lying in the bed.
- 完全には麻酔が切れてないので寝ちゃいます。 Because anesthesia does not completely expire, I sleep.
- 昼ころに手術が終わってから夕食の時間まで寝ていました。食事は普通食を食べました。 I was sleeping until time for dinner after an operation was over on around the daytime. The meal usually ate food.
- 夜は麻酔が切れてきたので、痛みが出てきました。痛み止めを飲んでしのぎました。手術が終わった夜が一番辛いかもしれません。。。 A pain came out at night because anesthesia expired. I took painkiller and got. The night when an operation was over may be the hardest. . .
この時は写真を撮る気にはなれなかったので画像はありません。とにかく、看護師さん達は優しいので安心して手術を受けてください。 Because I was not able to bring myself to take a photograph then, there is no image. Anyway, nurses, please have an operation in peace because they are tender.