作り方 How to make
① 胸肉を食べやすい大きさに切る。
② 塩、胡椒を刷り込む。
② 塩、胡椒を刷り込む。
③ 生姜、ニンニク、醤油を揉みこむ。
④ 片栗粉に炭酸水を入れて衣を作る。
④ 片栗粉に炭酸水を入れて衣を作る。
⑤ 油で揚げる。
⑥ できあがりです。
「料理」「英語」「トレーラー」「㊿過ぎてチャレンジャー」。。。。 It ’s a “real dinner” with a single father trying hard and making everything for his son. It is made with “quality” rather than “quantity” and “look” rather than “taste”. “Taste” is not the taste of a first-class restaurant, but the taste of our home. I'll do my best to remember the “father's taste” that is not “Mather's taste”! ! I'm also planning to make a light-healthy food that doubles as my own diet.
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